JiffyCon Boston
June 26, 2010
Unity Church
Somerville, MA
JiffyCon Boston Facebook Group
Download our flyer.
ABOUT JIFFYCON: JiffyCon is a one day mini role-playing convention. Focusing on small-press, independently published and role playing and board games, JiffyCon is a whole day devoted to nothing but having fun playing games.
WHEN & WHERE: JiffyCon Boston will be held on June 26, 2010, at Unity Church, 6 William St, Somerville, MA
Houses of the Blooded - Epic struggles for empire and power.
Misspent Youth - Rise up against the Man in an F*'ed up future.
Spacerpunk - Adventure and trouble running gigs from world to world.
Mountain Witch - Samurai battle a mysterious enemy and each other's betrayal.
Dust Devils - High noon in a haunted old West.
- 8:30am-9am: registration, signup, coffee
- 9-1: morning session
- 1-2: lunch break
- 2-6: afternoon session
REGISTRATION: Just $12 including lunch!
Snacks, beverages and lunch are provided. Local game designers and authors are on hand to run and play their games. Games are available for sale.
Fit some quality gaming into your busy schedule!
GMs WANTED: We are looking for GMs for JiffyCon Boston on June 26. Email dev at dev-dot-purkayastha-at-gmail if you want to run a game.
Other Questions: Email Dev at dev-dot-purkayastha-at-gmail.
We look forward to seeing you at the gaming table soon!
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