Join us on October 16th at Middlesex Community College, Lowell, MA for a day of games- try something new or reconnect with a favorite with new people, this is a day of fun and games.
11:30-12:00 Registration, check in, coffee, mingling
12:00-1:30: Speed Gaming- Rotate stations to learn about the RPG and Board Games offered. 5-10 minutes per game, hopefully you’ll meet your dream game!
2:00-6:00 Open Gaming: Each RPG will last between 2-4 hours. There are plenty of board games and gm’less games to fill the extra time so we hope you’ll get to “date” a few choices!
List coming soon! Do you want to run something? GM's still needed- contact us ASAP!
Board Games
Along with the RPG’s will be a collection of board games including Dominion, Race for the Galaxy, Zombies!, Settlers of Catan, Carcassone, Ticket to Ride, Pillars of the Earth, Puerto Rico, Agricola, Word on the Street, Say Anything, Apples to Apples and many more!
Middlesex Community College Lowell- cafeteria
33 Kearney Square, Lowell
MCC has a parking garage- the Lower Docks Garage off of Warren Street with a walkway to the MCC building. There is also on-street parking, but it is limited.
Please register ahead of time so we know how much coffee and breakfast items to get and how many games to prep!
Register on:
- Facebook [ Event page!) OR
- Meetup- Role Playing Fellowship of Greater Boston
Admission: FREE but we ask for a $5 donation to partake in the snack table, or bring enough snacks to share with the group! Our costs at BG are significant, so additional donations are always welcomed and go towards our web hosting fees.
Comment / Questions
Post in the comments here, ask us on twitter, or email us! If you have any questions, need a place to crash the night before, or want to run a game, email away!
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